Friday, March 5, 2010

Your Weakest Link

What stops you...

The barrier that stops us from living in excellent health is we don't know where to start and how to get there.

The purpose of this Blog is to break that barrier. Even if you are young, finding what slows you down now is better than finding what kills you later.

How To Make Your Dreams Of Heath Come True!

Below is the Easy to Follow Process.


Why take tests that only your doctor can understand?

Now is the time to find and Fix your Weakest Link Yourself...

Improving your health allows you to do things in life that make you happy!

The cause of the weak link may be different person to person with similar symptoms.


AND YOU DO IT YOURSELF- Just Fill Out the Forms!

Corrective care differs from relief care in that it's goal is to get rid of the symptom or pain as well as correcting the cause of the problem, and ameliorate and reverse the adverse side effects of traditional methods of treating illness and injury. To find the cause, use the free assessments and blood test form by clicking on the links.

What is a Weak Link?

Simply not understanding the difference between Health Care and
Sick Care may be your weakest link. HEALTH Care is a high standard of
correction that adds years of pleasure to life and lessens the years of
pain and suffering later in life.

Weak links in your body function will stress and weaken other links. By repairing your weakest link, you can improve many other links all at the same time. Finding the main source of stress to your health is much easier than you think. Here's how to use simple tests to find and support areas that are most in need....

Exactly What to Do...

What do the Brain and Blood and Hormones all have in common?

They all function as Communication systems. Without which we would not be able to maintain proper balance and health. By testing for weak links using assessments found here, we can look for and support the weak links.

These 3 simple tests easily find any blocks to your health:


Neurotransmitter Test Form - BRAIN

Metabolic Test Form - HORMONES


Blood Test Form - BLOOD

What Your Test Results Tell You...

Finding one's individual weak links is done by the testing above.

Using a type of testing called an "assessment," you can determine your individual areas of body malfunction. These areas will manifest with different combinations of symptoms or lowered levels of performance.

Your response to simple key questions will pinpoint your weak areas. The areas to look for are the ones that affect the most vital body functions.

You only need 3 tests - the 2 assessment tests and a blood test. Then you look for the biggest deviation from health in your test results. You can determine what your weakest link is by isolating the highest priority for repair that brings you the most health benefits.

Submit the test and we send you the results and possible solutions that you can easily follow.

Using your test results from the questionnaire assessments and your complete blood test above, you will be able to find your weakest link.


ANEMIA, Infections, Need for Essential Oils, Blood Sugar Issues,
Liver Distress, and so on...

Online Testing Center

Your Step by Step Guide to Evaluating Your Own Health Condition



RULE #1: PERSIST with testing until you find your weakest link. Repair the weakest link first.

Use any recent test results to compare to your earlier results.Repeat the tests as often as you wish.

Test #1

Click here to do the Metabolic Assessment

This will allow you to isolate your weakest links by grouping symptoms into Categories:

Test #2

Click here to do the Neurotransmitter Health Assessment

This is vital for finding weakest links involving good mental and physical function. By grouping symptoms into Sections, this test streamlines what nutritional support will improve the most areas:

Test #3

Blood Test

If you do not already have a recent blood test, click here for the blood panel we most
commonly use in our office that can be done in cooperation with your doctor.

To better understand your own blood tests and find out if you fell between the cracks because "nothing was wrong", use the proper Nutritional Protocols for Common Patterns.



Understanding Your Complete Blood Test

Look closely and note there's a column with the title "Reference Range." In this column are measurements giving the highest and lowest number acceptable for each item on your blood test.

The conventional laboratory uses this reference range to evaluate your test results. You will notice that any number on your test that falls outside this range (too high or too low) is recorded in another column titled "Out of Range."

Unfortunately these reference ranges are designed to identify
problems only once there are diseases.

People with numbers within the reference range are considered normal,
even though they may have many weak links in their health and a
number of symptoms. Many people will KNOW something is wrong, yet
their doctor is unable find anything in abnormal in their tests.

This system will not diagnose a problem until you have progressed to disease so that your numbers fall outside the reference range. Then, your numbers can be interpreted and assigned a disease name. Diseases are treated using various medications to reduce their
symptoms. This is the conventional medicine system.This system is Sick Care.

Health Care is not concerned with locating a disease name for treatment. Health Care watches for any departure from 100% Health.

We know the "normal levels" listed need to be interpreted with more scrutiny in order for people to have health. We use Functional Ranges in the Natural Medicine process.

Functional Ranges are not listed on your blood test results because these higher standards are the alternative to the conventional system. However, using Functional Ranges allow you to choose Preventative Medicine for higher performance, better living, and less risk of

Our Functional Ranges are provided on the Complete Blood Test link.This provides you a way of identifying what may have been missed on your blood test results. You will also use this information to isolate your weakest health link.

The standard of the yearly physical has also now been abbreviated in some cases and lost much insight into locating your weakest link.

Getting the Help You Want...

A long time ago, a Chinese doctor said, "It is the wise physician who finds and handles disease in its roots and the foolish one that treats it in full bloom."

You have the legal right to choose what health care system you want.

Our Health Breakthroughs section provides up-to-date information on new advances in the Natural Medicine field. Go to Health Breakthroughs and find out as much of this information as you can. The more you know about your health care options, the better you can make informed decisions.

Choose a wise doctor that will work with you to avoid disease.

You may choose to share the information from this site with your doctor. You will find little argument with a doctor that is sincerely interested in guarding your good health and the health of your family. If you find your doctor is not interested in helping you unless you are sick, find a new doctor to work with you! A wise doctor will happily learn how to help you get the blood tests you need for evaluating your own health condition.



Test Evaluation Process

A - First look for the Blood's ability for carrying oxygen to your cells. Check your blood test. We must find and correct any types of Anemia.

Red Blood Cell Analysis for Anemia

The most common Anemia patterns found on blood tests are:

  • the RBC, HGB, and HCT are slightly elevated, suspect dehydration

  • If the RBC, HGB and HCT are depressed, this indicates anemia

  • If the RBC, HGB and HCT, MCV, MCH and MCHC are all depressed, this
    indicates microcytic hypochromic anemia (iron anemia). If the MCV,
    MCH and MCHC are elevated with anemia, it indicates megablastic
    anemia (B12 anemia)

  • Microcytic hypochromic anemia (iron anemia) must be differentiated
    from iron deficiency or anemia of chronic disease (red blood cell
    breakdown). Iron deficiency will demonstrate depressed ferritin,
    increased TIBC, and increased transferrin. Anemia of chronic disease
    will not present with depressed ferritin, elevated TIBC or elevated
    transferrin. In addition, the RDW is typically increased with iron
    deficiency anemia and typically within normal ranges with anemia of
    chronic diseases

  • Common causes of iron deficiency anemia include: pinworms,
    hypothyroidism, hypochloryhdria, uterine fibroids, internal bleeding,
    growth spurts in children, and heavy menstrual bleeding

  • With megablastic anemia (B12 anemia) the possibility of pernicious
    anemia can be evaluated by testing intrinsic factor antibody. If the
    antibody is positive, this indicates pernicious anemia and sublingual
    or intramuscular injections should be considered

  • The earliest laboratory marker for B12 deficiency is urinary or serum
    methylmalanoic acid

Nutritional Support: Hemvite, Sublingual B-12, Methly-SP

B- Then, find and correct any type of Blood
Sugar Imbalance.

NOTE: True Hypoglycemia with a fasting blood
glucose below 65, and Diabetes fasting blood
sugar above 126, should always been under the
direct supervision of a competent doctor.

Blood Sugar patterns on the blood test that indicate Reactive
Hypoglycemia and Insulin Resistance are:

Reactive Hypoglycemia

  • Reactive hypoglycemia is identified with a glucose ( below) < 85
  • If the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia and glucose are normalize with vitamins and lifestyle changes that raise Glucose back to 85-100
    (see section C on the Neurotransmitter Assessment Form) but the LDH found on the blood test stays below 140, so when retested it
    does not return to normal of 140-180, then long-term susceptibility to reactive
    hypoglycemia must be considered.

  • Hypoglycemics must make changes in lifestyle that include eating a
    high protein breakfast, multiple low-glycemic snacks between meals,
    and no consumption of glucose after meals

  • Typically, but not always, hypoglycemia is found with adrenal

Nutritional Support: Proglyco-SP, Adaptocrine, Adrenastim Super
EFA Complex

Insulin Resistance Metabolic -

Metabolic Syndrome

  • Insulin resistance is identified by elevated glucose and triglycerides,
    but most evident when triglycerides are equal or greater than

  • Once metabolic syndrome or Diabetes is identified, use the
    (Glycosylated hemoglobin) HbAlc to monitor long-term blood sugar

  • Fatty liver is commonly found with metabolic syndrome which is
    identified as elevated triglycerides and depressed liver enzymes in the
    early stages. In progressed stages, the liver enzymes and triglycerides
    are both elevated.

  • Metabolic syndrome is a multiple vicious cycle syndrome that
    causes patterns of high cortisol, the immune pattern of TH-2 subset
    dominance, depressed SIgA, sluggish detoxification, testosterone
    elevations in females, and estrogen elevations in males.

  • The most important dietary consideration for insulin resistance is
    to stop insulin surges after meals that present as fatigue and sugar
    cravings after meals.

  • Most metabolic syndrome patterns need to be winded down by
    completing the 3 step program which includes the fast, clearvite
    program and food provocation to identify food sensitivities.

Nutritional Support: Glysen, Protoglysen, Omegaco-3, Adrenacalm,
Adaptocrine, Fibromin, Lypomin

C - Next, protect your Brain.

If you have a lot of symptoms in Section A
of the Neurotransmitter Health Assessment,
then Brain Support is likely to support your
quality and the duration of your lifespan.

Proper digestion and absorption are Imperative to a proper working brain.

(Low stomach acid findings on your blood test)

  • If the total protein and globulin are elevated or depressed outside of the functional ranges, suspect hypochlorhydria (email us for the ranges).

  • If the symptoms of hypochlorhydria is resolved with HCL enzymes but the total protein and globulin do not normalize, the cause of hypochlorhydria must be determined.

  • Common causes of hypochlorhydria include: helicobacter pylori infection, Dysglycemia found in B above, hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal infections, and gut mediated food sensitivities.

  • If a person's gastric ulcers symptoms progressively intensifies despite management, rule out gastric carcinoma with a serum gastrin test with your doctor.

Nutritional Support: HCL Prozyme, HPLR, Gastro ULC

D - Now, isolate your Stress Level.

Section B of the Neurotransmitter Health
will help you isolate your Stress
Level. Take steps to help handle those stressors
and protect your health.

E - Then, strengthen your natural defenses.

Find and support any
Immune System imbalances,
Essential Fatty Acid
Deficiencies and Allergies
to help control Inflammation.
Using our Optimal
Blood Levels will assist
you with addressing this.

F- Lastly, check your Hormone Balance.

The Blood Tests, Home Tests (found in our Home Tests section), BodyMechanics and the Metabolic Assessment this well help locate the hormone(s) needing the most attention.Use BodyMechanics to learn more about sections on specific organs found on the MAF.

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