Sunday, March 16, 2014

Headaches - Causes and Tips

Quit using Pain Killers and Suffering Headaches 

headache relief natural

All products mentioned are made by BIOTICS Research.  To view their entire product Line, Please click here 

stop taking pain pills
Headaches: The following information concerning headaches is predicated on the assumption that dietary changes have been initiated (removal of refined carbohydrates, fast-acting sugars, caffeine containing foods, hydrogenated fats and oils). You can see the solution may be related to the diet as well as the possibility of food sensitivity.

low blood sugar causing headacheOnce this has been ruled out by 1 week or more of no common foods that trigger headaches (Oranges, Red Meat, Dairy, Wheat, Corn, etc.); possible structural problems (Cranial, TMJ, Spine, etc.) have been ruled out and glycemic problems (low blood sugar- feels worse if meals are delayed and better after eating, and or Insulin resistance- Craves sugar and caffeine/feels sleepy after eating, etc.) have been ruled out.
Headache with period

If the headaches occur just before, during or after menses, rule out anterior pituitary/hypothalamus dysfunction. 
Consider:  Cytozyme-PT/HPT,  Thyrostim and Flax Seed Oil Capsules. 

Note: This is especially true if the headaches began around the time of puberty.

  If digestive distress (nausea) causes the headache, rule out gallbladder/liver dysfunction and low Hydrochloric acid production from the stomach. 

Livotrit Consider: Hydrozyme or Betaine Plus HP, for the stomach,  Beta-TCP  for the gallbladder, MCS ,  MCS-2 or Livotrit-Plus.

Migraine headache
If the headaches have been determined to be true migraine headaches and structural/dietary problems are not locus to the headaches, rule out both a magnesium and choline deficiency. 

Consider: MG-Zyme (at bedtime to bowel tolerance) and Phosphatidylcholine.

morning headacheIf the headaches occur primarily in the morning and wear off as the day goes on, rule out thyroid hypofunction or thyroid hypofunction secondary to anterior pituitary hypofunction. 

Consider: GTA and Meda-Stim or  Thyrostim  and Cytozyme-PT/HPT
 Use Flax Seed Oil in either cases.

If the patient has signs of vascular fragility  (spider veins, hemorrhoids, broken blood vessels on the chest, face or breasts)         Microscopic leakage of blood into the cerebral spinal fluid is one of the probable causes for the headaches. 

Consider: Bio-C Plus and Bio-Cyanidins (Pycnogenol)  Note: Vascular fragility (easily bruised)is often secondary to portal congestion( visible veins on your skin seen on your abdominal area)   If portal congestion is present, consider: Beta-TCP  for the gallbladder together with MCS , (we now mostly use the new formula) MCS-2 or Livotrit-Plus (if virus is suspected affecting the liver).

headache when readingIf the headaches occur after reading for a prolonged period of time, rule out the need for glasses or a need to change the prescription if the patient wears glasses.  A zinc, riboflavin, bioflavonoid and vitamin A deficiency, is also possible. 

Consider: Eye formula, Bio-Cyanidins (Pycnogenol) and Bilberry Herb.

If the headaches occur with just a moderate amount of physiological or psychological stress, rule out adrenal dysfunction. 

Using the diagnos tech saliva complete an adrenal stress index- 
loss of circadian rhythm

 (not a blood test) to measure Adrenal hormone levels of Cortisol in the morning and throughout the day. Make sure there is a normal rhythm and higher Cortisol in the morning than later on.
weak under active adrenal glands

Raglands Also check the laying down and then standing Blood Pressure and see if there is a rise of 5-10 points (normal) or a drop( low adrenal function) or a rise of more than 20 points (hyperactive Adrenal function).

Also test and check the person's eyes to determine if the pupils remain dilated when a light is shined into their eyes or fail to hold a constriction for more than 3  seconds. 
constricted pupils

If the patient is wearing sun glasses when they enter an indoor space and puts them back on before leaving your office, Tired and worn down or out adrenal function is probable. 
Biotics over active Adrenal Glands

If the patient is found to have adrenal hypofunction, consider: Cytozyme-AD and Bio-Glycozyme Forte.  If the patient is found to have adrenal hyperfunction, consider: ADHS and GlucoBalance

Note: With overactive adrenal function 

  •  increased production of the thyroid hormone Reverse T-3 is common, along with anterior pituitary hypofunction.  
If present, consider: Meda-Stim and Cytozyme-PT/HPT 

Note: With adrenal dysfunction: 
  •  if the headache patient has low blood pressure, adrenal hypofunction is probable. 
  • If the headache patient has normal or increased blood pressure, adrenal cortical hyperfunction is probable.

If the headaches occur just over the eyes (especially the right eye), rule out a gallbladder problem.  Consider: Beta-TCP  for the gallbladder, MCS ,  MCS-2 or Livotrit-Plus.

If the person with the headaches as band-type headaches (feels as if they have a band around their head), rule out pituitary dysfunction and a need for niacinamide (Vitamin B-3).
Consider:  Cytozyme-PT/HPT  and Bio GGG-B
If the headaches occur at night or when the patient misses a meal, rule out hypoglycemia with adrenal cortical hypofunction.  Consider: Bio-Glycozyme Forte and Cytozyme-AD

Note: If adrenal support does not resolve the problem, suspect pancreatic hypofunction.  Consider: Cytozyme-PAN.

If the headaches occur after eating refined carbohydrates or fast-acting sugars  (Junk food , sweets,alcohol, etc.)  the headache is probably due to hypoglycemia; however, the reaction to sugar generally indicates the pituitary as the target gland with adrenal, thyroid, etc., dysfunction secondary to the pituitary.  Consider: Cytozyme-PT/HPT and Bio-Glycozyme Forte.
 If the headaches occur after eating wheat (gluten) or dairy containing foods  the headache is probably due to gluten sensitivity or a dairy sensitivity/cross reaction with gluten receptors in the immune system for the intestines. 

Use the Cyrex labs Array #3 and 4 to find the cause.

Consider: Gluten Flam  
and using a dairy and gluten free diet for 3 weeks and reintroducing gluten three days in a row and seeing if there is a reaction. Then Dairy 3 days in a row. If a reaction happens with either, stop the challenge and consider repairing the Leaky Gut with our program with the highest success rate.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Methylcobalamin- The Preferred Vitamin B-12

  Methylcobalamin- The preferred Vitamin B-12

Here are the Symptoms to  help find if you could benefit from taking the active form of  Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B12,  is vital for your future brain health, new research continues to prove the importance of this vitamin in keeping your mind sharp as you age.
According to the latest research, people with low vitamin B12 , considered an anemia affecting your blood, not just a deficiency, were more likely to score lower on cognitive tests, as well as having a lighter and smaller brain, which suggests a lack of the vitamin may lead to brain shrinkage.

This is of paramount importance for many of you for two reasons:
  1. Vitamin B12 deficiency is very widespread
  1. Your blood level of vitamin B12 is not an adequate marker of whether or not you're deficient, making vitamin B12 deficiency easy to miss

 B12 contains methylcobalamin (an active form of vitamin B12) and folic acid.    Most  other vitamin B12 supplements contain cyanocobalamin; however, the liver must first "detoxify" the cyanide molecule.

A deficiency of vitamin B-12 can lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia.  A mild deficiency may cause many symptoms. 

 But as the anemia worsens it may causes symptoms such as:
A sore tongue means you could be deficient in B-12  folic acid, zinc, or iron
weakness, tiredness or light-headedness
rapid heartbeat and breathing
pale skin
sore tongue
easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums
stomach upset and weight loss
diarrhea or constipation
The Brain and the Immune System both require enough B-12 to function. Low White Blood cells are supported with B-12

If the deficiency is not corrected, it can damage the nerve cells. If this happens,         vitamin B-12 deficiency effects may include:
tingling or numbness in fingers and toes
difficulty walking
mood changes or depression
memory loss, disorientation, and dementia

Methyl -SP can help adults with this condition along with  B-12 shots.

B-12 deficiency in infants and Mothers Can Be Spotted

if not detected and treated, can lead to severe and permanent damage to the nervous system. 

New mothers who follow a vegetarian diet should have their babies' B-12 levels checked by a doctor. 

Homocysteine is a blood test that may reveal low B-12 and an increases in risk for heart disease and stroke many years before they occur. Levels above 7 increase brain risk, above 15 Heart Attack risk. MethylMalonic acid is the most accurate way to test for B-12 levels.

What are the other anemia symptoms?

People with anemia typically feel tired and weak. In addition, they may experience symptoms such as:

Shortness of breath
Chest or abdominal pain
Cold or numb hands and/or feet
Low body temperature
Pale skin
Black, tarry, or bloody stools (from blood loss)
Weight loss
Rapid or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)

 B-12 Max (Methylcobalamin) by Apex Energetics is a raspberry flavor liquid vitamin B-12 supplement. It is especially beneficial for people who are unable to absorb B12 from food or don't get enough because of a vegetarian diet, for example.

 A typical pattern is macrocytic anemia meaning the blood cells get large but don't have adequate quantities of hemoglobin.

 One common symptom is fatigue. We also recommend anyone having any brain issue to take this Vitamin B12 for the methyl donors inherent in the vitamin that your brain needs to make neurotransmitters.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Brain Troubles

Brain Issues

When we have brain issues, we can suffer. These may start slowly after a head injury early in life or quickly from a bad diet or lack of sleep speeds up the brain issue. People normally overlook many symptoms as normal aging. You can age too fast though and have more and more of these type troubles: Your memory noticeably declining, having a hard time remembering names and phone numbers, your ability to focus noticeably declining, it become harder for you to learn things, you have a hard time remembering your appointments or your temperament getting worse in general. It is time to handle why you pick up your cell phone and forget why!
Starting SUPPORT for the Brain is Essential, especially if you notice that you are losing your attention span endurance; find yourself down or sad; and fatigue when driving compared to the past. As the brain grows old, you need to give it more and more help. Start NOW!
Brain inflammation can destroy brain tissue, just as chronic joint inflammation can destroy joint tissue, leading to joint deformity, stiffness, and pain. If your brain is not working as well as it should you may be suffering from brain inflammation. This can be serious, as brain inflammation is associated with significant risk for various degenerative brain diseases, including losing your wits called Alzheimer’s disease.
The good news is the brain is extremely adaptable and wants to get well. You simply have to know how to feed and care for your brain. With simple diet and lifestyle changes and sound nutritional therapy, it is possible to profoundly influence your brain health and improve your quality of life. Taking the right anti-oxidants can make a significant difference. Even if you do not have brain inflammation, taking antioxidants and certain natural plant-based vitamins can protect your brain, just as taking certain antioxidants can protect your heart.

Below are the four best products for overall brain support. These have been extraordinary helpful in my experience with hundreds of patients being helped with them substantially. These provide the key nutrients that are vital to support brain function. The one's most beneficial in the Mastering Brain Chemistry course I took.

  1. NEURO O2- Supports healthy circulation and blood flow to the brain.
  2.  NEUROFLAM- Support Neuron health especially during Brain Fog
  3. ACETYL-CH- Memory Lapses, Calculation problems, decreased arousal, impaired creativity, diminished comprehension, and impaired judgment are others
  4. Phyto Brain-E - Most Concentrated form of Omega 3 support-DHA to EPA (24:1)   DHA is the key ingredient in fish oils necessary for brain support. DHA is the key ingredient in fish oils necessary for brain support. The Most Concentrated form of Omega 3 support-DHA to EPA (24:1) is in Phyto Brain-E
The good news is the brain is extremely adaptable and wants to get well. You simply have to know how to feed and care for your brain. With simple diet and lifestyle changes and sound nutritional therapy it is possible to profoundly impact your brain health and improve your quality of life. Taking the right anti-oxidants can make a significant difference.
Even if you don’t have brain inflammation, taking antioxidants and certain natural plant-based vitamins can protect your brain, just as taking certain antioxidants can protect your heart.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stomach Problems - Digestive Imbalances are the most overlooked and mismanaged disorders in healthcare currently

Finding the cause and correct treatment most receive is doomed to fail if it involves Antacids or inhibiting drugs as well as those that just treat pain.

Underlying digestive problems like heartburn and constipation, gas and belching, stomach aches and bloating are many factors that need to be discerned.

The traditional drugs only get rid of inflammation and treat symptoms.

Is your doctor lacking the ability to diagnose and identify your problem? 

The education your doctor received to find the cause of your health concern and the tests he runs may not be adequate to help you get well without additional lifestyle and dietary support. They must link the patterns described below that are often complex and involve more than one area affecting your whole system and making you feel lousy and having you rely on over the counter meds that don't ever handle the cause.


Our body needs the food to be of high quality

 Removing processed foods, Genetically Modified Grains and Veggies and eating hormone free meats is a great start. Next Elimination of grains containing the protein called gluten and removing dairy products can do wonders for ones health but it does not end there.
 Having proper digestion, breaking down the food is a problem for many.  More than 50% of the people in the world have an infection in their digestion system called Helicobacter pylori  or H. Pylori for short. This should be checked for especially in all people of have ulcers and those who need to take digestive enzymes because H. Pylori will turn off the acid in your stomach to survive leaving you with food rotting in your gut instead of breaking down to absorb the protein, calcium and iron needed to be healthy.
Herbs to support Digestion and immune system
Besides treating the symptoms ( WE DO NOT WANT YOU TO EVER STOP TAKING YOUR MEDICATIONS WITHOUT GUIDANCE FROM YOUR DOCTOR) the emphasis must be on improving your digestive function not just suppressing the symptoms. 

Why am I yelling? It is just too common to have someone come in to a doctor who has a digestive imbalance and not get a handle. Pharmaceutical management is key to remove the infections. But one needs to also repair the damage, replace the digestive enzymes, reinoculate (add back) the beneficial bacteria to reinforce the health of the whole body to have proper metabolism.

We use the 4 R program found in Clear and Repair steps. If after the 3 steps a person still has symptoms, we do a stool test to find the DNA of what is present and abnormal.

Normalize Digestive Disorders instead of just coping with them

Those below the age of 60 years of age should never have poor digestive enzyme production and need HCl-  Hydrochloric Acid.  I always look for hidden H.Pylori infections for those who seem to require HCL, have stomach aches or vomiting for no known reason. I usually suspect eggs, chicken and or a spouse as the source and treat the spouse and remove the poultry as well as using the 4 Rs. Repair the Intestines of "Leaky Gut"

When the mucous lining of the small intestine becomes too porous, it allows entry of toxins, microorganisms, and undigested food particles into the bloodstream and promotes an inflammatory immune response. Intestinal barrier compromise has been associated with multiple food sensitivities, increased inflammation, autoimmune reactions, chronic fatigue, etc. This is known as a leaky gut.

  Repairvite TM is formulated to provide key nutrients to help support intestinal barrier integrity.  lt contains targeted nutrients, flavonoids, antioxidants, plant sterols, glycoproteins, and saponins needed to help restore and maintain intestinal lining integrity.

Sometimes the symptoms can guide us to find the  Weakest Link. The blood and stool tests can be used to see if there are any imbalances that go along with the symptoms below.

Support for Digestive System and Liver
For the Colon ( Large Intestine) see if any apply:  

Feeling that bowels do not empty completely

Lower abdominal pain relief by passing stool or gas

Alternating constipation and diarrhea



Hard dry or small stool

Coated tongue of “fuzzy” debris on tongue

Pass large amount of foul smelling gas

More than 3 bowel movements daily

Do you use laxative frequently

For the Stomach's need for more HCl

Excessive belching burping or bloating

Gas immediately following a meal

Offensive breath

Difficult bowel movements

Sense of fullness during & after meals

Difficulty digesting fruits and vegetables;
undigested foods found in stools

Click -For Stomach's Hyperacidity

Stomach pain, burning or aching 1-4 hrs after eating

Do you frequently use antacids

Feeling hungry an hour or two after eating

Heartburn when lying down or bending forward

Temporary relief from antacids, food, milk, carbonated beverages

Digestive problems subside with rest and relaxation

Heartburn due to spicy foods, chocolate, citrus, peppers, 
alcohol and caffeine

 For Small Intestine and Pancreatic Support 

Roughage and fiber cause constipation

Indigestion & fullness lasts 2-4 hrs after eating

Pain, tenderness, soreness on left side

Under rib cage bloated

Excessive passage of gas

Nausea and/or vomiting

Stool undigested, foul smelling, mucous-like, greasy or poorly formed

Frequent urination

Increased thirst and appetite

Difficulty losing weight

If you have below use- Support for GB

Greasy or high fat foods cause distress

Lower bowel gas and/or bloating several hours after eating

Bitter metallic taste in mouth, especially in the morning

Unexplained itchy skin

Yellowish cast to eyes

Stool color alternates from clay colored to normal brown

Reddened skin, especially palms

Dry or flaky skin and/or hair

History of gallbladder attacks or stones

Have you had your gallbladder removed

Monday, September 2, 2013

Primary and Secondary Causes of Low Cholesterol

Low Cholesterol Can Create Damage 

The cholesterol lowering drug Lipitor Is Tied to Liver, Kidney Injury, as Well as Muscle Damage

  • Low cholesterol below 150 is less than optimal  and is caused primarily by an inherited condition.  Ask your mom or dad or check with brothers and sisters and find out if it runs in the family, then it is most likely less dangerous and maybe normal for the individual involved. It can be secondarily caused by a conditon known as  hypolipidemia, which is marked by extremely low cholesterol, hyperthyroidism, which besides using drugs to control over-activity,  is an autoimmune condition of the thyroid gland which should be treated with a 3 step plan , and liver disease. 

Addictions and Deficiencies Can Cause Low Cholesterol

  • Malnutrition, chronic infections, depression, anxiety, stroke and birth defects are all causes of low cholesterol. Manganese deficiency, any condition that suppresses the appetite, such as cancers of the digestive tract or stomach, lung diseases, or liver disease can all create low cholesterol due to the lowered food intake.The body cannot survive without cholesterol, so when it is too low the entire body suffers from the deficiency. Addictions to alcohol, nicotine in cigarettes or drugs can radically lower cholesterol levels as can undiagnosed cancers and emotional disorders. A deficiency in Manganese also causes  as mentioned above can be the source of  low cholesterol (hypocholesterolemia) .  Also When the digestive tract is functioning insufficiently, and is not absorbing nutrients properly, the result is usually low cholesterol.

  • When these cholesterol-lowering conditions come into play, many different problems can result, including diseases of the brain and neural system and the breaking down of the cellular structures of every part of the body, including the internal organs. When cells are damaged cancers can result. Cancer is a cause of low cholesterol in the first place, but low cholesterol damage in the cells can go on to create more cancerous tumors. The immune system becomes damaged due to the lowered cholesterol levels, which causes many more harmful conditions to develop.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The race for salvaging your brain is on !

Remember To Prevent Alzheimer's- More Than 5 Million Americans missed this chance.

Telling my patients that if they remember to take their memory pills, they don't need them
is more a reminder for me to do all I can to warn people of early risks and signs of aging.

Each day I have my staff mix me up a brain protector mix of yummy antioxidants and essential oils that have 20X more protection than Krill oil alone:

Millions of people world wide are suffering from the earliest symptoms and signs of brain-degeneration.

Now it is possible to spot brain degeneration and stop it before it's too late. 

There has been an influx of cutting-edge scientific research for safe, simple, and truly effective solutions to declining brain function. You can get more in depth  details on our site:  How to Save Your BRAIN. 

 But let's start here with the newest information. SIMPLE IS GOOD!

First a few questions that may shed some light on what is often dismissed with no real action, see if you suffer from any of these signs of early brain degeneration:

Losing your memory? 
Can't focus or concentrate? 
Do you have brain fog or tire easily? 
Have you lost your zest for life or motivation? 
Do people tell you this is all a normal part of aging?

 It is actually easy to use simple diet and lifestyle changes and nutritional therapy which has been found to profoundly impact your brain health and thus the quality of your life.  

 The good news is the brain is extremely adaptable and wants to get well. You simply have to know how to feed and care for your brain. 


Brain inflammation can destroy brain tissue just as chronic joint inflammation can destroy joint tissue, leading to joint deformity, stiffness, and pain.

 If your brain is not working well, you may be suffering from brain inflammation. This is serious because brain inflammation is associated with a significant risk for various degenerative brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s. 

Even if you do not have brain inflammation, taking antioxidants and certain natural plant based vitamins can protect your brain similar to the way taking certain antioxidants can protect you heart.

Here are the 4 best nutritional supplements we can use to support our brains:
  1. NEURO O2- Supports healthy circulation and blood flow to the brain.
  2.  NEUROFLAM- Support Neuron health especially during Brain Fog
  3. ACETYL-CHMemory Lapses, Calculation problems, decreased arousal, impaired creativity, diminished comprehension, and impaired judgment are others
  4. Phyto Brain-E - Most Concentrated form of Omega 3 support-DHA to EPA (24:1)   DHA is the key ingredient in fish oils necessary for brain support
 Despite the popularity of vitamins, many Americans are still deficient in ideal ratios of omega-3 EFAs. A diet insufficient in EFAs promotes neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease, hormone imbalances, emotional disorders, chronic pain and inflammation, and impaired brain function. 

That is why I personally take this Phyto Brain-E  to get 24X the amount of DHA than found in eating fish and nuts. I still eat salmon almost every day, much more than most but do all I can to give my brain the needed DHA.


  • NEURO-PTX ™ This formula contains the main ingredients that have been published to support the balance in this brain degenerative pathway.

How do you know if your brain isn't working? 

See if some of these signs and symptoms of brain degeneration apply to you: Memory loss • brain fog • depression • anxiety • difficulty learning • lack of motivation, drive, or passion • tire easily • poor focus and concentration • fatigue in response to certain chemicals or foods Brain degeneration affects millions of Americans of all ages. 

The destruction sets in years or even decades before Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, or other serious neurological diseases can be diagnosed.



Don't waste another day wondering why your brain is not working. Learn what you can and should do about it. Read the book and we can help you apply all the Key Steps!

I recommend to all my patients and display this vital tool in my waiting room, the  above book 


Spot brain degeneration and stop it before it's too late. 

Neurodegeneration is something that happens to everyone, every day. While some may have slow death to the neurons of the brain, others will have accelerated brain deterioration depending on their lifestyle, nutritional intake of antioxidants and other protective herbs, amino acids and nutrients above and the degree of environmental exposure. 

 The time to help your brain is now, there is no cure or treatment for Dementia that is currently affecting one in three over 65 and by 2025 we will see 40% more .

2 of 3 of the people you now know, may not remember you or you them if ACTION is not taken to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  

Here are some tools you can use right away: FREE Neurotransmitter Test Form