Sunday, February 28, 2010

What is Functional Blood Chemistry? Why do I still have symptoms when my Lab tests are " Normal "

Why do a blood test?

There is no general screening test that is more efficient, effective and affordable than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel. A comprehensive blood chemistry panel will allow the healthcare provider to quickly assess the degree of health or disease in a patient. It is the ultimate tool in biomedical laboratory sciences to evaluate new patients. It allows the healthcare provider to establish a baseline of biomarkers that can be used to track the patient's health immediately and over a period of time.

Many health problems can be prevented and managed effectively with early detection. The quality of healthcare in the United States has dramatically declined in the past decade. The incorporation of managed care and HMO systems have made dollars spent a priority over insightful health management.

Alternative medicine has grown aggressively due to the current allopathic (medical model that focuses on fighting disease). Americans are now spending more money out-of-pocket on alternative medicine every year than they have in the past on traditional healthcare.

Blood chemistries refers to an analysis of a number of chemical substances in the blood, having clinical significance.

While "blood chemistries" may have a specific meaning in a specific context, the words usually mean a series of blood tests taken either to evaluate a specific organ system (eg, liver function tests), or as a general screening test (eg, SMA 12, or Chem 20).


MyVits would like to spend some time explaining to our customers the differences between pathological and functional ranges. A pathological range is used to diagnose disease. A functional range is used to assess risk for disease before disease develops. The main difference between the functional and pathological range is the degree deviation allowed within their normal ranges.

For example, the functional range for glucose is 85-100, the pathological range is 65-110. Levels above the pathological range may indicate diabetes. Levels above the functional range, but before they reach the extremes of the pathological range, may indicate insulin resistance and future risk for developing diabetes.

Conventional medical training is concerned with the diagnosis of disease and rarely preventative medicine.

Healthcare providers that practice preventive medicine are those most inclined to incorporate consulting patients when their levels register outside of the functional range. If biomarkers (the values-in numbers- measured on each test) can be managed before they fall within the pathological range, preventive medicine can be practiced. Traditional healthcare providers usually do not embrace the concept of a functional range. Practitioners who embrace the importance of functional ranges usually are also concerned about diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes.


WHY INCORPORATE FUNCTIONAL BLOOD TESTS INTO YOUR HEALTHCARE? Functional blood chemistry analysis should have more than just the basic tests, see our form for the complete panel. This was the standard before the HMO era. It was common practice to get what was called, "a SMA 25 or Chem 25 and a CBC with Differential". These tests should be considered with everyone who visits a doctor and was told , everything is normal , even though there are symptoms. It would be different if you felt great or did not want to know where your weak links could be. A Functional comprehensive blood chemistry analysis provides peace of mind that their metabolism has been thoroughly screened.

A blood test is best evaluated in comparison to and along side 2 comprehensive questionnaires above that look for areas and patterns of symptoms (Metabolic Assessment Form -MAF)and a thorough Neurotransmitter Assessment questionnaire (NTAF) that is one of the best Brain function tests one can do.

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A doctor should correlate your symptoms from your Metabolic and Neurologic Assessment Symptom pattern with your Blood Test. that's what I've done about a 1000 times in the last few years in our office and now offer free to all our customers who order $100 or more in the month of March I will help you Isolate and find the areas to support your health before they become bigger problems and causes that normally fall right through the cracks.Just print out , complete and send in your 3 tests to :
Dr Springer C/O Myvits
4645 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 1
Los Angeles CA

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Once one Understands the basic principles of laboratory biochemistry one can easily see improvements or deterioration in health. To do so, it is vital to understand how to find Functional Blood Chemistry patterns.

When I look at a blood test I want to.see the differences between functional and pathological laboratory evaluations, as well as a correlation to the 2 Metabolic and Neurotransmitter tests above. I then an look and understand how to identify pathology and when to refer you for further testing or more comprehensive management of your primary doctor.

It is vital to learn to identify patterns associated with functional imbalances and WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM.

The timeless topic of blood chemistry has been compiled new information gleaned from current medical literature.

Doctor's who practice Functional Medicine spend a lot of time reviewing the literature in regards to nutritional and herbal compounds that can be used to support abnormal functional patterns.

We know it is important to learn and to spot patterns that can indicate a myriad of health conditions and gain insight into managing them. Our instructor Dr. Kharrazian developed a new reference manual that will doubtlessly become the industry standard and allow others to help you as it already has over a thousand others. will do a Functional not Pathological Blood evaluation of your recent blood test using our Nutritional Laboratory Analysis.

Our Nutritional Management suggestion are to support your health and stimulate your body to maintain and improve your health and are not here to only find problems once they are already developed and require more aggressive management need to treat disease.

One thing that must be stressed is to appropriately follow up with repeat testing.
Once a functional problem has been identified and you have followed the directions to improve your diet, lifestyle and nutritional needs, you will want to repeat the questionnaires monthly to watch the improvement and catch any lack of or decline quickly.
The second test is the most important in functional medicine and we do not like to have too much time intervene between tests.

Send in the 2 new tests along with the originals and we will help you continue to fine tune your program.

Although there are some individual test results in blood chemistry that merit evaluation, most blood chemistry markers must be considered along with others test results to make an appropriate diagnosis. Simply stated, with the exception of a few biomarkers, blood chemistry analysis is based on looking for patterns and assessing probabilities based on those results. Occasionally, additional tests will need to be ordered to increase the potential to make a correct diagnosis. Blood chemistry analysis is fundamentally about identifying patterns and relationships between tests to ascertain probabilities.

Blood chemistry analysis should always be used in conjunction with a comprehensive medical history that includes past and present illnesses, medication usage, alcohol consumption, herbal and nutritional usage and adequate hydration. It is important for the healthcare provider to understand the identification of patterns and whether any follow-up testing is needed to determine the appropriate diagnosis. Blood chemistry analysis should be analyzed in conjunction with a detailed medical history and physical examination. When we support your lifestyle changes , we must stress that your doctor is your primary health care physician and should be used to examine and specifically treat you.


The information outlined here is not intended as a substitute for personalized medical advice The information written here should not be construed as a claim or representation that any procedure or product mentioned constitutes a specific cure, palliative or ameliorative. Procedures and products described should be considered as adjunctive to other accepted procedures, deemed necessary by the attending, licensed doctor. (or MyVits)
It is the concern of the Department of Health and Human Services that no homeopathic and/or nutritional supplements be used to replace established, conventional medical approached especially in cases of emergencies, serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions.
Dr. Springer, MyVits and all vitamin companies on our site share in this concern, as replacing conventional treatment with such remedies, especially in serious cases, may deprive the patient of necessary treatment and thereby cause harm and could pose a major legal liability for the health professional involved. Do not use Apex or other formulas as replacements for conventional medical treatment.

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