Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Priorities for Health

What to look for on a Blood test, how to make sense of it and how to support in addition to any Medical care if you have Anemia or low blood sugar or Insulin Resistance.


A - First look for the Blood's ability for carrying
oxygen to your cells. Check your blood test. We
must find and correct any types of Anemia.

Red Blood Cell Analysis for Anemia

The most common Anemia patterns found on blood tests are:

  • the RBC, HGB, and HCT are slightly elevated, suspect dehydration

  • If the RBC, HGB and HCT are depressed, this indicates anemia

  • If the RBC, HGB and HCT, MCV, MCH and MCHC are all depressed, this
    indicates microcytic hypochromic anemia (iron anemia). If the MCV,
    MCH and MCHC are elevated with anemia, it indicates megablastic
    anemia (B12 anemia)

  • Microcytic hypochromic anemia (iron anemia) must be differentiated
    from iron deficiency or anemia of chronic disease (red blood cell
    breakdown). Iron deficiency will demonstrate depressed ferritin,
    increased TIBC, and increased transferrin. Anemia of chronic disease
    will not present with depressed ferritin, elevated TIBC or elevated
    transferrin. In addition, the RDW is typically increased with iron
    deficiency anemia and typically within normal ranges with anemia of
    chronic diseases

  • Common causes of iron deficiency anemia include: pinworms,
    hypothyroidism, hypochloryhdria, uterine fibroids, internal bleeding,
    growth spurts in children, and heavy menstrual bleeding

  • With megablastic anemia (B12 anemia) the possibility of pernicious
    anemia can be evaluated by testing intrinsic factor antibody. If the
    antibody is positive, this indicates pernicious anemia and sublingual
    or intramuscular injections should be considered

  • The earliest laboratory marker for B12 deficiency is urinary or serum
    methylmalanoic acid

Nutritional Support: Hemvite, Sublingual B-12, Methly-SP

B- Then, find and correct any type of Blood
Sugar Imbalance.

NOTE: True Hypoglycemia with a fasting blood glucose below 65, and Diabetes fasting blood sugar above 126, should always been under the direct supervision of a competent doctor.

Blood Sugar patterns on the blood test that indicate Reactive

Hypoglycemia and Insulin Resistance are:

Reactive Hypoglycemia

  • Reactive hypoglycemia is identified with a glucose ( below) < 85 and/
    or a LDH <140

  • If the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia and glucose are normalized
    (see section C on the Neurotransmitter Assessment Form) but the LDH
    does not return to normal, then long-term susceptibility to reactive
    hypoglycemia must be considered.

  • Hypoglycemics must make changes in lifestyle that include eating a
    high protein breakfast, multiple low-glycemic snacks between meals,and no consumption of glucose after meals

  • Typically, but not always, hypoglycemia is found with adrenal

Nutritional Support: Proglyco-SP, Adaptocrine, Adrenastim Super
EFA Complex

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